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My FUTO Story - #4

My experience in FUTO has been a wonderful one. I gained more knowledge in my field of study and from the friends I made.

One aspect I did not appreciate about my stay in FUTO was the practical’s, especially in year one. Why would a federal school pack an entire faculty into a poorly ventilated room, with lit Bunsen burners and expect us not to faint?. And after that stressful ordeal, you check your result only to see barely made a pass mark.

However, most of what I saw in FUTO helped me toughen up. You wake up by 5am, rush to class only to find out that most of the seats have been occupied by hostel girls. I used to wonder if they slept in the class and not on their beds. Then the race to different lecture halls that leave you exhausted by the end of the day.

FUTO taught me how to frugal and manage my expenditure effectively. You don’t need to attend tutorials to learn how to manage your resources and attack the spirit that always finds a way to make your money disappear. You go to school with a thousand naira and come back with just your bike fare.

In all I learnt how not face challenges in life with a complacent nature. You have to fight for what you want and what you believe in. As I graduate from this school, I believe I am more than equipped to face the outside world.

Doris Otih is a microbiologist who has a phobia for crawling insects like millipedes. She finds it easy to learn new skills and loves to cook. Trust me, you can’t pay her a visit and not eat to your fill. I am guessing that’s one of the reasons her husband couldn’t wait to walk down the aisle immediately after graduation. Congratulations and have a happy home


  1. Ya doris is a great cook. Once ate her rice with green pepper garnished stew, cant forgwt d taste.


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