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My FUTO Story - #13

My FUTO story is not made up of a tale or tales of my adventures while I was in school, but of the good things my God did for me.

I say thank you Lord for guiding me through an empty road and placing me in a direction where I can find my feet.  When I had burdens, He showed me His shoulders and soon I felt light without worries. When I became busy with my numerous activities, still trying to find my way, He let me see reality from a mirror which no one else could view from. When I became stubborn and beaten in a race, He would stand me up, dust my feet and set me on another course. When I couldnt pay my dues to Him and ran away from Him, He drew me closer and still showered me with blessings. When tragedy struck and I felt my path blocked. He let me see how I could easily maneuver the obstacles that I faced. And all I had to do was put my faith in Him and do as He commanded.

I graduated from FUTO with God by side. I finished strong with love, friends, family and happiness all around me.

Chibuzor Ahamefula is a girl of many talents. She is a fire dancer, actress, Jumia sales representative, business woman and talent manager. She loves dressing corporately and cannot be caught dead without her two powerful phones. She is registered on all the networks that have ever existed in Nigeria. She has received several scholarships and recognition. She loves facebooking as much as brushing her teeth. She is rocking this fro that makes her super adorable. She calls herself a Bosslady but I am still waiting for when she asks for my Christmas wish list. Her best food is akara and pap. This very industrious lady and CEO of Savsoa is a friend you can rely on but if she is on your whatsapp please just go and disable your media auto download. The premiere of her most recent movie #BEHINDTHESHADOWS is set to show on the 6th of February, 2016. Tickets are now available at very affordable prices. You can reach her on +2347064503191 now the soup is still hot to grab yours. Dont miss out on this amazing story. Remember I said she is a Jumia sales rep, so if you want to order, just click on that number and quality would be at your doorstep.

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